My new painting, “Trepidation,” captures a sense of fear and unease through dark and moody tones that evoke a feeling of foreboding. The central figure, with a face obscured by darkness, conveys fearfulness and apprehension as if being pursued by an unseen threat. As I painted, I immersed myself in the world of trepidation, feeling both exhilarated and unsettled by the dark emotions it brought forth.

This piece reflects the fears and anxieties within us, reminding us of the powerful and consuming nature of fear. Despite its unsettling nature, there is a strange beauty in its allure. “Trepidation” serves as a reminder of the primal emotion of fear and invites viewers to confront their own fears, delving into the darkness within to find the strength to face whatever challenges may arise.

Original dark and moody abstract, oil pastel on 11 x 14 canvas panel. 2024


  1. Hey 👋 been awhile since you posted. Did you paint this Keito. I love your writing ✍️ of description about the art 🖼️. 🤓👍🏼🍻

    1. Hi Randy, Yes, I painted this. It’s the first in a while.

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